Kazakhstan's Nuclear History and Central Asian Nuclear Weapon Free Zone
In this inspiring talk, Togzhan Kassenova uses poignant stories from Kazakhstan’s history as a Soviet Union nuclear test site to encourage humanity to seek truth and act, even in the face of an oppressive political system.
Togzhan Kassenova speaks on consequences of nuclear testing in Kazakhstan. Start time: 02:50:00
Brazil’s Nuclear Policy
Togzhan Kassenova talks about her research on gaps in perceptions on nuclear issues between Brazil and the United States
Roundtable “Brazilian Nuclear Policy” with Julián Gadano (Universidad de San Andrés), Monica Herz (IRI/PUC-Rio), Rex Nazaré (FINEP), Matias Spektor (CPDOC/FGV), Togzhan Kassenova (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace)
Only three countries in Latin America have large-scale nuclear power stations in operation. Mexico, Argentina and Brazil. Brazil currently has two nuclear reactors and a third is under construction. Four more power plants are being proposed for construction in the 2020s. Nuclear energy generates 3% of the country's electricity.
Nuclear Terrorism and Nuclear Security
The Brussels attacks have highlighted the urgent need to make the world's supply of fissile material secure. Two of the bombers appeared to have previously been monitoring a senior researcher who worked at a Belgian nuclear centre. The White House reckons that around 2,000 metric tonnes of highly dangerous nuclear material is out there, in both civilian and military programmes around the world.
CCTV America's Jessica Stone interviewed Togzhan Kassenova, an associate for the Nuclear Policy Program at the Carnegie Endowment about the Nuclear Security Summit and China's interest in nuclear power. Watch the interview here.
To take a look at the G-7 summit and how nuclear security and nonproliferation will impact the meetings, CCTV America's Elaine Reyes spoke with Togzhan Kassenova, associate in the Nuclear Policy Program at the Carnegie Endowment.